Monday, May 28, 2007

Questions for Mr. Bubble Meter

The posts on this blog less often then in the past. Do you have blogger's fatigue?

Yes. I do have blogger's fatigue. Sorry. Thankfully, these day there are many quality blogs and other sources of information regarding the declining housing market.

Now that your other blog David Lereah Watch is basically inactive, will there be more focus on the Bubble Meter Blog?

Hopefully. :-) In some ways the David Lereah Watch was more successful then this blog, as it had a significant role in discrediting Mr. Lereah.

Who don't you trust when it comes to telling it like it is with regards to the housing market?

David Lereah, Pat V. Combs, Lawrence Yun, Leslie Appleton-Young, Ben Bernanke, Donald Trump. Of course there are many of housing cheerleaders throughout the world.


  1. Don't get blogger's fatigue now, May is when the bidding wars start again according to Lance.

    We wouldn't want to miss that now would we?

    Btw... funny how Lance hasn't stopped by to explain that the latest numbers are a "normal cycle" and that now is as good a time to buy as ever.

  2. Don't buy a condo in DC unless you are ready to ride a 10 year cycle.

    Just rent! Nothing wrong with renting.

    Frank Borges LL0SA- Realtor

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  4. I hope you keep publishing this blog. At least once a week or so. I think your blog is much better then the housing bubble blog now. That is just articles all piled on each other. It has really changed a lot. Yours is better.
