- A Massive Trade Deficit (~ 700 billion a year)
- Housing Bubble
- Federal Debt & Huge Deficits
- Negative Personal Savings Rate
Faults in Greenspan's Tenure:
I. Very Low Interest Rates For Too Long & Lax Credit Standards
In recent years Greenspan dropped short term interest rates to the incredibly low rate of 1%. He kept the rate at 1% for a long time.
The above graph shows the roller coaster ride that was short term interest rates over the past 5 years. So much for laissez faire economics. The cheap money supply and easy credit in large part caused a credit bubble that contributed to:
- The Housing Bubble
- Negative Personal Savings Rate
- Trade Deficit
Without the incredibly low interest rates and the lax credit standards the housing bubble would not have happened. The cheap easy credit was the gas that inflated the housing market to bubble status. Sure, there were other contributing factors, but the cheap and lax credit standards were crucial in creating the bubblicious housing market.
"There are some of us who believe he aided and abetted some asset bubbles," said Paul Kasriel, chief economist of Northern Trust Co. in Chicago
II. Support For Partisan Policies
The Fed chairman has also faced fire for stepping into areas that had nothing to do with monetary policy, offering support for Bush administration tax cuts in 2001 and private retirement accounts in the government system.
Moves like those outraged Democrats and fueled the sort of scorn that led Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid to last year label Greenspan "one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington." (Reuters, Jan 30)
III. Unrealistic Remarks on the Economic Situation
Despite the fact that Greenspan coined the term irrational exuberance. Greenspan often is overly optimistic about the economy. For example in today's FOMC statement "Although recent economic data have been uneven, the expansion in economic activity appears solid." Appears solid? What about the trade deficit, the budget deficit, housing bubble negative personal savings rate and credit bubble? Greenspan was a Johnnie-Come-Lately to recognize 'froth' in the housing market.
Sure, being a Federal Reserve chairman is tough job and we have the benefit of hindsight, however this does not excuse Greenspan's mistakes. The economy is facing unprecedented negative economic imbalances that were in some part fueled by Greenspan's policies. These huge economic imbalances have been glossed over by Greenspan using Greenspeak. To be sure, these huge negative imbalances will lead to a recession this year. Of course, Greenspan will no longer be there to lead as the torch has been passed to Ben Bernanke.