Monday, February 06, 2006

Interesting Search

I was looking through the traffic statistics over at StatCounter for Bubble Meter Blog. I noticed that there were a huge number of hits coming from searches 'ameriquest commercial.'

Why? Ameriquest had an interesting commercial on the superbowl yesterday. If one searches for 'ameriquest commercial' on Google then the below results appear.

Notice how the Bubble Meter site is the 5th top match. It points to this post Ameriquest Commercial Post on BubbleMeter. My Ameriquest post criticizes a different commercial that they aired back in December.


  1. So what was the nature of the superbowl commercial? As I don't give a hoot about pro sports, I didn't see it.

  2. Or maybe they are saying just because a growing chorus of people are claiming there is a housing bubble does not make it so. "Don't judge too quickly." I.E. There is no bubble. Take out a loan. Buy!

  3. I thought "Don't judge too quickly." meant that Ameriquest doesn't judge too quickly, i.e., they'll lend money to anyone and everyone.

  4. I think nickv and nelsonal are correct. :-)
