Friday, August 19, 2005 's Owning vs. Renting Calculator

Check out Ditech's online Owning vs Renting Calculator. Here are some problems that I found with the calculator:

  • It does not count maintenance costs for a house.
  • It counts appreciation of the home, but NOT investment of the monthly savings of renting vs owning. You would earn interest on this amount.
  • It does NOT allow negative appreciation
A faulty calculator from a mortgage lender. Not a surprise.


  1. I entered data including a large-ish downpayment and the ditech calculator seemed tell me that I was better off investing my downpayment elsewhere.

  2. Not a surprise indeed. But, rare is the person who finds it and points it out! Good job! Cole @ BigHousingBubble.

  3. Yeah, mine (see above) was similar, 800k, 30% down, 1600/mo rent, 5.8% interest.

  4. Good find. I know a thing or three about Javascript, so I stole their source code and I'm working on revising it to provide a more complete comparison. Hopefully I'll have something worth looking at within a week on Seattle Bubble.

  5. the tim,

    cool. Great idea. :-)

  6. where can i get more review on ditech ? i want to see some complaints that they had recently
